Thursday, 13 August 2009

Up Diarrhea Drive

Those of you who know our current situation know that it's not a
happy one.

I'm (not so) quietly going mad here. I'm not the sort of person who
can just sit by idly whilst problems get worse and worse, yet
apparently that's the only thing I can do at the moment.

I can't stop myself from panicking, from freaking out about
possibilities. It seems like the only fix will take at least a couple of
months to actually happen, and I really don't know if I can last that

I can't understand how some people can remain so fucking calm
throughout major problems like this. How do other people do it?

I could use the time to go out and do some photography, but my
mind can't focus on "pretty things" whilst it's screaming at me about
our current problems. I can't get over the fact that there's literally
nothing we can do. It makes me feel sick.

If anyone can suggest ways to keep my mind occupied (and it's gotta
be REALLY occupied) then please pass them forward.

Yours freaked,


1 comment:

PeteG said...

"you can only go half way into the darkest forest before you are coming back out again."
(Old Chinese saying...)

"Oh Fuck! It's bloody dark in here!"
(Old English saying....)