Thursday, 6 December 2007

Browsing to destruction...

Came into work this morning to discover that my password had been changed. Logged in, loaded up my e-mails to receive one from one of my colleagues, saying that I'd had a mass outbreak of spyware appear on my PC.

It's all been cleared out now, but they've got me going back through a proxy server again. The amount that restricts my access to the internet is unbelievable.

Now obviously I'm no idiot; I'm not going to look at any dodgy stuff online whilst at work, so that leaves me with the question; where the hell did I pick up that spyware?!

The sites I'd look at at work; G-mail, TfL, maybe the MET office, that's about it...

Is the internet really that unsafe for us to look at?

The amount of security we have on our networks is unbelievable; Cisco PIXs, Firewalls with built in malware protection, Fireboxes, and still they get through?!

It's a scary world we live in now...

(at least for computers...)

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