Friday 19 September 2008

Man flu

I've got a cold...

Been fucking ages since I've had a cold...

Can't actually remember the last time I had a cold... Must've been over a year ago...

My throat hurts...

Fucking hate having colds...

(FYI, women; I'm still at work, I'm not shirking off of my duties, I'm just moaning)

Bloody "man flu" bollocks...


Mr B The Tech Teacher said...

Me too dude, I'm come down with the lurg something wicked :( Like you I'm still working (altho I work from home), but I have to admit my level of work is somewhat lower than my usual standard right now!
It's hard to be efficient when you feel like you've been tied up by the feet then dragged by a stampeding horse through a few miles of hedgerows.

Pan said...

How about having your sinuses raped by Atilla the Hun and his henchmen?