Monday 15 December 2008

lolspeak; another way to celebrate stupidity...

Technically I think this should also go onto "screamingpan" as well because this will turn into a rant...

What the living FUCK is this "lolspeak" all about?

I did a search on Google images this morning for "mouse" and saw a picture from ""; one of these stupid effing "lolcat" pics...

Which got me researching (damn you Google!!) into the whole lolcat/lolspeak phenomenon.

And after reading through several posts and sites explaining what it all means, I'm still left with saying "What the FUCK is that all about?!".

Take this for example. These messages were left on against a picture of a ginger cat, not looking very impressed with a blue and white checked bow around its neck with the caption "DEATH... Wears a cute little bow".

And these are some of the messages;

"Lukk owt hyooman"

"We awl waitin foar new poastwif bayted bref!Toona bayted purrhaps?Happee nawt sekund to U!"

"Kittehz do nawt need eggstra dekurashun"

"an iz werrinGING HAM?? o yz, sumwun IZ gonna dii foar dis!!"

Is this what we get for living in a world where Teletubbies are allowed to exist? Several generations (I have checked some of the profiles and there are people in their THIRTIES typing like this) of society communicating in grammatically nightmarish ways?

And we wonder why kids these days are stupid? Try taking a look at yourselves...


GirlBlue said...

As much as I love LOLcats I seriously do not get the whole catspeak (lolspeak?) thing. I don't even look at the comments because it makes my head hurt, trying to figure out what the feck they're trying to say...on or two words fine...but actual sentences gwahhhh

Pan said...

Tell me about it... One step away from 1337 $|*34|< and then I really am wanting to choke whoever wrote/typed it!!

Mr B The Tech Teacher said...

Hehe, welcome to lolspeak :P

It's intentionally stupid, partly down to the whole "cat trying to talk like a human so sounds like a retarded toddler" thing.

Oh, and dude...j00 s0 n33d 2 l34rn l377!

Pshwar, keep with the times people :P :P

evensoul said...

I are teh ubah admin and i haz get u Pwned

Pan said...

*shoots Shiv for his use of l33t/1337 speak*

*shoots Dave twice for the use of the word "pwned"*

Fucking geeks... lol

Merr-Yin said...

Reminds me of how Tweaty spoke in that "cute" kinda way(as in "Salvester and"). I read two words into the sentence and give up!

Pan said...

"I tawt I taw a putty-tat!"

Wassat, Tweety? You THoughT you Saw a puSSy Cat??

Dense fuck.